Membership Benefits

BFL Canada - Group Insurance Plan

This exclusive Professional and General Liability program is offered to members of the Canadian Naturological Association / Association Canadienne Naturologie (CNA/ACN) through an online platform. Our groups policy covers the modalities we represent, and your premium is determined based on how the modalities you practice are classified.

More information: Canadian Professional Liability Insurance

Insurance Reimbursement

We expect Canadian insurance companies to reimburse claims made by policyholders serviced by our highly respected members, provided they are recognized at the appropriate educational/experience level. Insurance companies and members of the public can quickly verify a member practitioner’s documents to ensure coverage. Our qualified members receive a digital ‘Membership Certificate’ with member level, confirmed hours, and, if eligible, a ‘Title Credential’ secured by blockchain technology.

Title Credentials

National Occupational Classification (NOC) Titles recognized by the Government of Canada may be granted to qualified members of our association. One title credential is included with membership for alums of approved Schools. Non-approved school members would pay $50 annually per title for additional verification and administrative costs. 

Approved CEU Provider

Our members can become Continuing Education Unit (CEU) training providers and are encouraged to register for free as Approved CEU Providers, listed and accredited by CNA-ACN.

More information: Approved CEU Provider

Corporate Partnerships - Discounts

We are working on establishing new corporate partnerships that help support our members through savings on essential products and services. These savings will help offset the membership cost and provide additional value to our growing membership.

If you represent a business, don’t hesitate to contact us by email with a proposal!

Legal Counsel

Our association will retain legal counsel on behalf of its members to pursue any cases of discrimination, uncompetitive practices, right to practice natural-based care, and other violations as they arise.

Lobbying Government

We plan to hire a lobbyist to help improve access to natural-based practitioners and increase support for our members’ preventative wellness care services across Canada. This includes eliminating HST on services provided by Naturologists and other association members to the extent possible. 

Naturological care should’t be a luxury in the 21st century!